v6.0 [Feb 4, 2013]
1. Survey
- The Shot command allows quick entry of horizontal angle, vertical angle, slope distance, northing, easting and elevation.
- GPS real-time positioning is supported. Connect a NMEA device to see your current position on the map.
- Traverse by GPS. The coordinates from the GPS can be used to create new stations along the traverse.
- GPS coordinate entry for shifting and adjusting
- Copy/paste coordinates.
- Linear Units and Coordinate Systems are now stored on each traverse document.
- Improved visibility of data records in Notes View.
2. Terrain
- Support for long feature names and layer names added.
- Added file formats including DGN, GPX, GML, DWG/DWG 2011, ArcView Grid and LAS
- LiDAR processing speed and memory usage improvements
- Save as grid functionality for creating cut/fill grids etc.
- Data import filtering and thinning by corridor and polygon.
- Export to HEC/RAS for hydrology analysis.
- Improvements to the grading object for handling corners.
- Added editing functions; Break All (explode), interpolation and automatic section generation.
3. Location
- Added Cross Section Editor.
- Significant enhancements to the templates to increase flexibility.
- Enhanced ASCII Export.
- Improved reporting point control.
- Reference features extended to include groups of features.
- Enhanced tool tips and fly by information.
- Shading of cross sectional cut and fill areas.
- Automatic notification and update of external Terrain and Survey files.
- Improved LandXML support including cross section import and export.
- Navigation control by clicking added to the Data Window.
4. Location (cont)
- Enhanced Multi-Plot: Curve table options.
- Color display enhancement in the Data Window.
- Culverts can be tied to P-Line station.
- Improved navigation in the 3D window.
- Private template codes.
- Improved section output control including position and sequencing bottom up.
- User control of mass haul materials.
- Additional reporting fields such as point code elevation and offset.
- Individual page control in Multi-Plot.
A platform designed to facilitate rigorous spatial analysis and modelling.